This is how i got my Google Music Beta Invitation. Took me less than and 5 minutes to configure it.Before everything you need an Android phone( Requires a rooted phone) to do this,. and all thank goes to Paul O Brian for the great guide he provided.
Step 1 - Requesting for an invitation
Go to via a US proxy and request for an initation. I used
Step 2 - Get the New Google Music Android App 3.0.1
Check market for the New Google Music Beta App. If its not there, Use Market Enabler to fake the provide to some US provider(probably T- Mobile US) and recheck the market. Also you can manually download the apk and install It.
Step 3 - Last and the Hardest Part
You have to edit your phones build properties to get it quickly. Click Here
Copy the system/build.prop file to your computer and edit the build prop to match the one above in the link. Make sure to take a backup of your build.prob before editing. I used Root Explorer to replace the file. And Restart the phone, and keep in online (connected with the internet for 1 hour). Also go to the Downloaded Music Beta App, Visit Market app etc to make Google think that you are using a Motorola Xoom (Google exclusively rolls out invitation for Motorola Xoom Users). Thats It, after about one hour replace you build.prop with the original one.
Viola Thats It. Wait for the invitation. I got mine in one hour.
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